Here are just a few of my creations - I mainly make cards, but I've been known to dabble

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Holiday Card Workshop 2013 - Day 1 - Card 1b

Once again, here is my second card made at the Holiday Card Workshop 2013 which is available along with many other classes at Online Card Classes.

I hope you enjoy!  This card was inspired by (copied from) Kristina Werner - for more inspiration you can visit her blog here.

Thanks again for looking!


  1. Karen I love your card!! The pocket on the inside is a great idea!!

    1. I love my new template too, it took some editing to get everything to fit, but I love the colours, they're nice and bright, much better than my previous green and black - thanks for finding that hot bliggity blog background thing! (Sorry, I responded to your queries a little mixed up! lol)

  2. Oh, I forgot to say I LOVE your new blog design!!!

    1. Thanks Marcelle, the pocket was part of the template but I agree, it's a great touch. I took them to work and showed a few people and was asked how much they are and suggested I should make more because it's a great idea and people need to give gift cards at christmas... hmmm... maybe I will try that if I get time.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Lindsay, I found a lawn fawn set in my stash with christmas animals that would also work great with this layout.
